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Median Iris Society
Bennett C. Jones Award
2023 Recipient: Rick Tasco

In 2023, the Median Iris Society awarded the Bennett C. Jones Award for Outstanding Median Hybridizing to Rick Tasco, in recognition of his many contributions to nearly every class of median irises.

Rick Tasco has been hybridizing and introducing irises since 1993. He is well known for his award-winning TBs, including a number of Wister Medal winners and two Dykes Medal winners. What is perhaps less well known is his extensive and high-quality work in median irises.

Rick has introduced irises in all the median classes except MTBs. At present, this includes 5 BBs, 17 IBs and 27 SDBs, as well as several arilbred medians. In addition to winning numerous Awards of Merit for irises in all of these classes, he won the Knowlton Medal in 2018 for his beautiful luminata BB ‘Sheer Excitement’ , and the Sass Medal in 2021 for another luminata, his IB ‘Backlit Beauty’. He continues to produce unique and high-quality medians that grow and bloom beautifully, including rebloomers and unique colors and patterns. His reblooming SDB ‘Blue Oasis’, a unique blue-bearded pale blue washed light chartreuse, won an award of merit in 2018. In a similar unique color pattern, his blue-bearded pale blue BB ‘Frosty Spirit’ won an award of merit in 2021. Another recently introduced reblooming SDB, ‘Forever Orange’, is a great increaser that is covered in bright orange blooms for an extended period in the spring, then again in the fall. In 2010, the AIS recognized Rick with the Hybridizer’s Medal, which is “awarded to persons who have produced new iris varieties of exceptional merit deserving of special recognition.”

Rick is also enthusiastic about sharing his knowledge and expertise. He is an engaging public speaker and a Master Judge who has given many classroom and garden training sessions on medians. His Superstition Iris Gardens have been a source of quality irises for many years.

Thank you, Rick, for your continuing efforts to put out beautiful, high-quality median irises!

Nomination forms for this award are due each year by the end of February. To make nominations, click on the link below to obtain a copy of the Nomination Form (PDF).

>>>    Nomination Form   <<<